1.) In-character names 
We all want to be immersed in the world. Don’t take us out of the experience with a non-roleplaying name, no matter how witty it may be. This includes using names that resemble famous characters, and putting titles in your first name. 

2.) Courtesy 
Be respectful to your guildmates and to all other players. Keep in mind that your actions reflect upon the guild. When you're out there in PvP or general chat, you represent us, and we all have to own your actions and words. 

3.) Respect even your enemies 

4.) No griefing of players, of any server or side

5.) Minimal spoilers 
You can talk about the story, but try not to talk about big reveals unless the person/people who are listening want to be spoiled. 

6.) No discussion of real life hot topics such as politics, religion